"As coach, consultant and facilitator, my intention is to hold a compassionate, safe container for exploration, reflection, discovery and learning. I believe that each of us has the capacity to be our best selves and to move through life and work with heightened self-awareness, new insight, and greater choice and possibility. You can get there from here!"
"I value connection, compassion, trust, growth, discovery, authenticity, integrity, wisdom, and a good dose of humor. I love to help."
“I am honored to work with and support executives, leaders, managers, teams, and individuals seeking a career transition.”
Lynn Woznicki, MA, MAOD, PCC
Coaching, Facilitation, Leadership & Team Development
Woznicki Consulting CEO, Lynn Woznicki, is a powerful and compassionate coach, consultant and facilitator who partners with you to achieve desired outcomes. Coaching, facilitation, and leadership and team development are the core aspects of her practice. She works with clients to build self-awareness, develop new skills, and identify critical choice points so they can make decisions and take actions that support greater possibility in their life and their work. Lynn’s skills are a rare combination of business savvy and organization development, and she brings her supportive and compassionate style to each engagement. Twenty-plus years serving in the CEO role and as a community leader gave Lynn firsthand insight to leadership challenges and effective problem-solving.
Lynn’s experience includes serving as MAOD Director and Faculty with the Sonoma State University Master’s Degree in Organization Development program. Lynn is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, and certified by the Academy of Leadership Coaching & NLP. She is also DISC Practitioner Certified.
Lynn Woznicki, MA, MAOD, PCC
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